Velina Villarreal, LPC-S, RPT-S, CSAT, CMAT
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, EMDR, EFT trained
Unique Guidance Every Step of the Way

The 2nd generation population and all the multi-layers it brings to the table is a cultural facet to therapy that is often overlooked. Discovering your personal definition of sexual health and growing up between two cultural worlds can be isolating and morally confusing.
Which values do you follow? Which narrative speaks to you and which one no longer aligns with you? You find that what you are drawn to is not aligned with what you were expected to uphold, thus resulting in guilt and shame. What’s more, family values might fog your developing sense of self and healthy boundaries with money and relationships.
Do you feel it’s your duty to keep other people happy? Do you feel depleted, and so it’s difficult to keep a relationship of your own? Do you feel you don’t have the right to be happy? Sometimes roles are reversed in life where you feel more of a parent to your mom and dad rather than their child.
When, as a child, you are chronically expected to care one way or another for a parental figure it can lead to abandoning the self. This can result in a multitude of symptoms including not recognizing your own needs as an adult, not truly considering your hopes and dreams for the future, and feeling ambivalent towards romantic relationships.

Is your teen progressively withdrawing from friends and family because of compulsive porn use and desperately wants to stop? Do you or a loved one prefer connecting with porn online rather than with real people, and it’s getting in the way of developing intimate relationships with friends and partners? Has porn provided a sense of calm when you’re feeling stress and loneliness, and now you are struggling to let it go as you search for different coping skills more aligned with your belief system?
Online porn use is so nuanced to society as an internet resource right at our fingertips. Researchers around the globe are trying to tweeze out any possible implications online porn use might have, if any. I help individuals who find their values, beliefs, and sexual behaviors in constant conflict with one another, thus creating lots of shame and confusion around their porn use.
You know your kids know. You can sense it in the air and possible alliances have developed within the family system for or against you. Maybe your kids overhead arguments between you and your partner, or your child found your stash.
I help parents in recovery assess whether a disclosure would be therapeutic, reparable, and appropriate for their family. Multiple factors are involved and together we can plan a safe, developmentally appropriate 9th step for your children. Break the silence. Break the cycle.